Myoovi for Endometriosis Pain

A Little Note:

You don’t need to be diagnosed with endometriosis to need significant pain relief during your cycle. Endometriosis can only be diagnosed via laparoscopic surgery at this time, though there are clinical efforts to find a less invasive way to diagnose. There are other reasons for painful period cramps, such as adenomyosis (a condition that can lead to incredibly painful and heavy periods), but the only way to diagnose at this time is through a hysterectomy. The story goes that a woman faces a debilitating condition requiring drastic measures for diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is made, it is just the beginning.

Diagnoses set aside, if you have painful periods and are looking for relief, this review is for you.

What is Myoovi?
Myoovi is a wireless device that emits pulses to disrupt the pain signals given to your brain by cramps. The + and - symbols allow for you to adjust the intensity of the pulses. The circular piece emits the pulses and the pad adheres it to your site of pain.

Myoovi adhered to low belly for pain relief.

Does It Work?
While the site boasts that it eliminates cramps and leaves a user “free of period-related pain, living your best life,” I wouldn’t go quite that far. I would go so far as to say it is the best remedy I have found in the nearly twenty years of period pain I have experienced. It may completely relieve pain for some people, but not me. I love it regardless, because even when the cramps get close to their worst, this dulls the edges enough to be able to breathe through it.

I am in my third cycle using Myoovi and am thoroughly impressed. Because it is wireless, it can be discretely worn anywhere. Once I put it on, I only take it off for charging or if the pain lessens enough to be able to sleep without wearing it. I have accidentally turned it off in the night and woken up from pain. Once it was back up and running, I was able to go back to sleep.

I did experiment to ensure I was gauging the effectiveness with my most painful cramps, as sometimes I have a lucky less painful period. For this, I waited until my pain was high and then I adhered the Myoovi. It works every time, allowing me to not be completely consumed by pain. This is life-changing. Previously, I had a flax seed pack I would heat until I would nearly burn my skin and even that did not completely mask the cramp pains.

How Does It Feel?
At the lowest setting, the device can be compared to a cell phone vibrating. As you increase the pulse intensity, the pulses get stronger.

Sometimes, it feels like the device has turned off. When I check to see that it is on, many times, my pain has simply increased to the point of being unable to feel the pulses over it. A few clicks up and the familiar buzz is back. The higher the pulses, the longer it takes to forget about the device being there. The magic is that the focus is on pulses, rather than pain, in the first place. Periodically, I will feel the pulses throughout the day, but they seem to naturally fade to the background.

What is Included in the Kit?

The kit comes with:
-Myoovi Device
-Charging Cord
-Two Butterfly Pads (these are how you adhere the device)
-Storage Pouch
-Instruction Manual


-Ten Hour Battery Life: Sometimes I have to choose between a good night’s sleep or relief during the day, because the battery isn’t that of a Kindle. The battery life is also a plus, because there’s nowhere else I can get ten hours of help with my pain. I have started playing with taking a break to charge during the day, so I can have the best of both worlds.

-Zaps: Sometimes I get zapped if I forget to turn the device off, prior to removing it. I have also gotten zapped while laying in bed and changing positions. It is shocking (pun intended), but brief. I have had no such zaps this third cycle of using it.

-Replacement Pads: The pads that adhere the device do need to be replaced. The package comes with two pads. They need to be cared for. When the pad comes off your skin, you must to adhere it to the plastic slip that it came with. I tested this one night, so I could report here. I took the device and pad off, laid it sticky-side-up on my bed table, and can confirm that the stickiness is no longer adequate. Until then, the stickiness was always strong.

-Price: It is hard to jump into a product that may not help, especially at this price point. After my first use, I knew it was worth it. I wish I could get one for every person that has painful periods. I am not Taylor Swift, so the best I can do it offer you an affiliate code that gets you 10% off your Myoovi Kit. After posting about my initial experience, the company reached out to see if I would like to be part of their affiliate program. Deets are below.

At the time of this writing, the kit is on sale and the discount code can be applied on top of it!

This product has changed the day-to-day of my periods. I still have pain and I do make accommodations to my life, even with the device. However, the change has been significant and I feel more peace as my period comes each month. I know that I have a tool that is far and above the others I have tried. I know I have a chance each month. I know that as bad as it gets, I have something to dull it. I have not had to throw up from pain, crawl down the hallway, or be brought to tears by pain I feel powerless against. I have not needed to go to the hospital for pain. In fact, I go spans of time forgetting intense pain. That is a gift.


Morning Oats